%PM, %03 %571 %2023 %12:%Dec

EEE Project General Meeting 2023

The general meeting of the Extreme Energy Events Project– Science in Schools  has just ended at the INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro dell’INFN.

Hundred students and teachers from schools across Italy participated in the event in person, together with EEE researchers, and many others followed remotely.

During the three days, from 27 to 29 November, some seminars were held on the activities of the EEE project and PolarquEEEst ("spin off" of EEE for the measurement of cosmic rays near the North Pole) and on some researches that are carried out at the Legnaro Laboratories, such as nuclear astrophysics and the production of radionuclides for medicine.

The students had the opportunity to visit the experimental areas of the laboratories and discover the activities taking place inside them. The central event of the meeting was a masterclass in which the students measured the Legnaro EEE telescope efficiency, starting form data aqusiition to analysis and report of the results. The students of the EEE project, in fact, actively participate in the study of the performance of the detectors with the new low environmental impact mixture that the EEE collaboration has identified as part of its ecological transition.

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EEE at ICD 2023


More than 30 schools of the E.E.E. Project participated in the International Cosmic Day 2023. During this edition of the event, hundreds of students followed the seminar by Professor Pasquale Blasi, of the Gran Sasso Science Institute, entitled "The universe that the eye does not see: High Energy Cosmic Accelerators", an interesting journey to the origin of cosmic rays.

The day continued with the presentations of the schools focused on the analysis of data from the POLAR detectors, located at the international scientific station of Ny Alesund: the students studied the coincidences between pairs of detectors. On the occasion of the event, students and professors from high schools in Rome and Lazio followed the ICD from the Fermi Hall of Centro Fermi.


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EEE Researchers Night 2023

The European Researchers' Night will be held on 29 and 30 September 2023 

The EEE Project will participate in the following activities:


 NDREEE 2023
  • Marco Garbini will be at Città dell'Altra Economia in Rome with a stand on the EEE Project
  • Edoardo Bossini will guide the visits to PISA-01 EEE telescope at Sezione INFN di Pisa. (link1,link2);
  • Silvia Pisano will be connected from the ALICE experiment control room  at CERN (we will send the information for the connection shortly);
  • Marcello Abbrescia and Nicola Mazziotta will talk about the mission of the POLA detector on the Amerigo Vespucci (link1, link2).


Send us a photoof your EEE European Researcher's Night and we will publish it on the EEE socials!

NB: in order for your photos to be published on our channels it is necessary to simultaneously send the completed and signed privacy information found here


Page by M.G.

%PM, %23 %582 %2022 %12:%Sep

EEE-meetings resume!

The first Run Meeting of the year 2021-22 was held on 13 October for the schools participating in the EEE Project. 
About 350 students and teachers were connected for the presentation of the proposed activities for the restart of the experiment.
The next appointment will be on 10 November for the International Cosmic Day (ICD) which turns 10

Thirty high school classes from all over Italy and numerous students and professors belonging to the EEE Project participated in the International Cosmic Day 2021 - the international day dedicated to the physics of cosmic rays - taking part in the webinar that the Enrico Fermi Research Center and INFN they organized on November 10th. The meeting, moderated by Dr. Silvia Pisano, CREF researcher, was articulated through the contributions of Dr. Giuseppe Gallo (Muonic Tomography of Etna) of the University and INFN section of Catania, of Prof. Daniele De Gruttola ( Cosmic ray flow vs. direction) of the University and INFN section of Salerno, and the presentations of the four best analyzes carried out by the schools: the Liceo Scacchi of Bari, the Liceo Galvani of Bologna, the Liceo Righi of Rome and the IIS Staffa of Trinitapoli. International Cosmic Day is an international event born 10 years ago, coordinated by the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) of Hamburg, and aims to bring students closer to science by accompanying them in the discovery and study of cosmic rays.

From 17 to 19 November 2021, eleven schools of the Extreme Energy Events (EEE) Project met in person at the Ettore Majorana Foundation and Center for Scientific Culture in Erice for the workshop "1st Meeting of the EEE Project after COVID shutdown"; the meeting, organized by CREF and INFN, brought together 50 students and teachers in person and more than 250 participants remotely connected.

The EEE Project is performing an ecological transition, so the heart of the meeting was the Masterclass: “Ecogas for EEE stations - Data analysis on ecological mixtures”. The students of the Project had the opportunity to analyze the data recently acquired by some telescopes of the EEE network, in which the standard gas mixture was replaced by different mixtures with low Global Warming Power (GWP). The students discussed the results of the tests, also presenting their original contribution: the best works were awarded at the end of the workshop.

The agenda (https://agenda.centrofermi.it/event/197/timetable/#20211117) included also three seminars dedicated to coincidences between distant detectors, the PolarquEEEst mission and Physics applied to the archaeological sector, a contribution that prepared the students for the visit to the Lilibeo Museum in Marsala, which took place during the morning of the second day of the meeting.

The great success of this initiative represents a first step towards the restart of the activities of the EEE Project.

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EEE Project at ICHEP 2022


Marco Garbini presented the outreach activities of the EEE: Extreme Energy Events Project at the ICHEP 2022 conference held in Bologna from 6 to 13 July 2022.The International Conference on High Energy Physics is one of the leading conferences in the field of High Energy Physics.

More than 1000 physicists from around the world attended the conference sharing the latest advances in particle physics, astrophysics, cosmology, accelerator science and discuss future projects. It was one of the first major events in person after the Pandemic.

The status and activities of the EEE Project were presented in the Education & Outreach session of the Conference. In particular the talk was focused on the organization of the experiment and the work carried out by all participants in the experiment in the last two difficult years and the challenges of the "green transition"  undertaken by the Collaboration.


Il Progetto EEE organizza un webinar sulla missione PolarquEEEst durante il quale ci collegheremo con le isole Svalbard dove i nostri ricercatori, Ombretta Pinazza e Daniele Cavazza, sono impegnati in una missione di manutenzione dei rivelatori POLA. Il  programma della serata prevede anche un breve racconto da parte della Prof.ssa Cifarelli sulla nascita di questa avventura.
Webinar PolarquEEEst: una spedizione al Polo Nord alla ricerca dei raggi cosmici 
- 19.30-19:35  Saluti (S. Pisano)
- 19:35-20:00 La missione PolarquEEEst  (L. Cifarelli)
- 20:00-20:45 Collegamento con Ny Alesund (O. Pinazza, D. Cavazza)
Siete tutti invitati a partecipare!
The EEE Project collaboration  organizes a webinar on the PolarquEEEst mission; during the event we will connect with the Svalbard islands where our researchers, Ombretta Pinazza and Daniele Cavazza, are engaged in maintenance operations of the POLA detectors. The program includes a short story by Prof.ssa Cifarelli on the birth of this adventure.


Webinar PolarquEEEst: an expedition to the North Pole in search of cosmic rays

Event start time 19:30: https://cern.zoom.us/j/62589065075?pwd=bXJ3NUNseEU2cTB2SWFYQlBEQ21yZz09

- 19.30-19:35 Greetings (S. Pisano)
- 19:35-20:00 The PolarquEEEst mission (L. Cifarelli)
- 20:00-20:45 live link from Ny Alseunfd (O. Pinazza, D. Cavazza)
You are all invited to participate!

Il Progetto EEE aderisce alla Notte Europea dei Ricercatori tramite l’iniziativa “SocietyNext” (https://notte-dei-ricercatori.sharevent.it) e parteciperà con uno stand virtuale su polarquEEEst con una diretta a partire dalle 19:30. Una volta che ci si è registrati sul portale, il nostro stand virtuale è visibile direttamente al link https://notte-dei-ricercatori.sharevent.it/it-IT/sponsors/6346

Siete tutti invitati a partecipare!

PolarquEEEst: misura dei raggi cosmici al Polo Nord. Cosa può affascinare di più di un viaggio fra i ghiacci del Polo Nord alla scoperta di paesaggi unici e una natura spettacolare? E se il viaggio fosse anche l’occasione per uno studio sui raggi cosmici in regioni sino a ora avare di misure? E se in questa avventura fossero coinvolti anche i ragazzi delle scuole medie superiori in Europa? Tutto questo è stato l’esperimento PolarquEEEst che continua a prendere dati nella base scientifica di Ny Alesund (Svalbard) da oltre un anno.

Il progetto PolarquEEEst è nato all’interno del progetto “Extreme Energy Events – la scienza nel cuore dei giovani” in occasione della spedizione PolarQuest 2018 verso il Polo Nord a 90 anni dall’impresa di Umberto Nobile.

Inizio diretta Zoom ore 19.30.

La diretta si svolgerà alternando una sessione (30 minuti) in cui ricercatori e studenti parleranno del loro lavoro nell’ambito di polarquEEEst (con possibilità di porre domande attraverso la chat) e una sessione libera di domande/video sulla spedizione (30 minuti).

19.30-20.00 presentazione attività di PolarquEEEst da parte di ricercatori e studenti

20.00-20.30 domande ai ricercatori/video sulla spedizione

20.30-21.00 presentazione attività di PolarquEEEst da parte dei ricercatori e studenti

21.00-21.30 domande ai ricercatori/video sulla spedizione

Interverranno studenti delle scuole:

Liceo A. Volta – Reggio Calabria

Liceo Scorza – Cosenza

presentando la loro esperienza nell’analisi dei dati di PolarquEEEst durante l’International Cosmic Day 2020.


PolarquEEEst: the measurement of cosmic rays at the North Pole. What can be more fascinating than a journey through the ice of the North Pole to discover unique landscapes and spectacular nature? What if the trip is also an opportunity for a study on cosmic rays in regions were few measurements have been performed? What if european high school students are involved in this adventure? This is the PolarquEEEst experiment which is taking data at Ny Alesund (Svalbard) scientific base since more than one year.
The PolarquEEEst project was born within the "Extreme Energy Events - science in the hearts of young people” Project, on the occasion of the PolarQuest 2018 expedition to the North Pole 90 years after Umberto Nobile's undertaking.
Live broadcast on Zoom at 19.30 alternating a session (30 minutes) in which researchers and students will talk about their work within polarquEEEst (with the possibility of asking questions through the chat) and a free session of questions / videos on the expedition (30 minutes).

19.30-20.00 presentation of PolarquEEEst activities by researchers and students

20.00-20.30 questions to researchers / video about the expedition

20.30-21.00 presentation of PolarquEEEst activities by researchers and students

21.00-21.30 questions to researchers / video on the expedition

Report form the schools:

Liceo A. Volta - Reggio Calabria

Liceo Scorza - Cosenza

presenting their experience in PolarquEEEst data analysis during the International Cosmic Day 2020.



Il Run Meeting del Progetto EEE, organizzato in occasione dell’International Cosmic Day 2020, ha visto la partecipazione di circa 380 tra studenti e professori delle scuole del progetto. L'evento è stato caratterizzato da una presentazione dell'esperimento KM3 per la ricerca di neutrini nel Mare di Sicilia e da alcune presentazioni degli studenti e dei ricercatori dei risultati delle analisi dei dati presi alle isole Svalbard sulla variazione con le stagioni del flusso dei raggi cosmici.
Un evento che ha visto molta partecipazione ed entusiasmo tra gli studenti ed i professori, come sempre protagonisti di questi incontri.


A total of about 380 students and teachers belonging to the EEE Project attended the Run Meeting organized by the collaboration on the occasion of the International Cosmic Day 2020During the meeting the KM3NeT experiment, located in the Sicilian sea and devoted to the detection of neutrinos, has been presented together with reports form students and researcher on the analysis if the seasonal variation of the cosmic ray flux measured at the Svalbard Islands by the EEE Polar detectors. 
The event has been characterised by great participation and enthusiasm among students and teachers as always main actors of these meetings.




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