Extreme Energy Events (EEE) - Science Inside Schools

EEEitalia 26Feb2019

The Project Extreme Energy Events - Science inside Schools (EEE), is a special Centro Femri research activity about the origin of cosmics rays, performed in collaboration with INFN  carried out with the essential contribution of students and teachers of high schools.

Each of the participating Institutes hosts a "telescope" made of the most advanced particle detectors (Multigap Resistive Plate Chambers, MRPC). EEE telescopes are put in coincidence using GPS, with the goal to detect cosmic muons and extensive showers (as large as a small town), produced by primary cosmic rays of the highest energy. Data from all telescopes are sent to CNAF-INFN, in Bologna, to allow track reconstruction so that all relevant information can be stored in a database to be later available for analysis.

Students are involved in the fundamental task to build the chambers, starting from simple materials to arrive to sophisticated high precision detectors. This task is accomplished at CERN, one of the most important particle physics laboratories in the world, which is made open to students specifically for this project. Students have also the task to control the correct operation of the telescope installed at their school.

Presently 60 high schools distributed across Italy host a telescope. Other 53 institutes participate to the project by analyzing data. More than 60 billion tracks have been collected in the past years and are presently studied by students and professional researchers performing interesting analysis, some of which have already been published in various international scientific journals.

[Visit the web page: EEE Monitor - DQM]






Download attachments: Extreme Energy Events - La Scienza nelle Scuole di A. Zichichi (version 2017)