Conferences & Events


Conferenza/Evento Sito Conferenza Tipologia Contributo Speaker   Titolo    
Link Contributo
38th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2023), Nogoya (Japan), July 26 -August  3 Link Talk F. Noferini Recent results from the PolarquEEEst measurement campaign at large geographical latitudes  
24th international Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Oslo (Norway), June 25-29 Link Poster C. Ripoli Ecological transition for the gas mixtures of the MRPC cosmic ray telescopes of the EEE project  
XVIII International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics 2023, Wien (Austria), August 28  - September 1 Link Talk C. Ripoli Involving high school teams in the upgrade phase of the Extreme Energy Event project: a review of recent activities  pdf
109° Congresso Nazionale SIF, Salerno (Italy), Septempber 11 – 25 Link Talk C. Ripoli Eco gas mixtures for the MRPC cosmic ray telescopes of the EEE project  Abstract



Conference/Event  Site Period Website
Contributio Type Speaker  Contribution Link
66th INFN ELOISATRON WORKSHOP: New gas mixtures for RPC and MRPC detectors  Erice November 20–23 Invited Talk Daniele De Gruttola  pdf
66th INFN ELOISATRON WORKSHOP: New gas mixtures for RPC and MRPC detectors Erice November 20–23 Invited Talk Cristina Ripoli  pdf
5th Annual International Conference on Education Siviglia Novembre 9–9 Talk Silvia Pisano Abstract
RPC 2022  CERN September 26–30 Invited Talk Marcello Abbrescia  pdf
Congresso Nazionale SIF Milano

September12–16 Talk Maria Paola Panetta Abstract pdf
ICHEP 2022 Bologna

July 6–13  Talk Marco Garbibni  pdf
15th Pisa Meeting La Biodola, Isola D'Elba

May 22 – 28 Poster Edoardo Bossini  pdf
15th Pisa Meeting La Biodola, Isola D'Elba May 22 – 28 Poster Stefano Grazzi pdf
April Meeting of the American Physical Society New York  April 9 – 12 Talk su Invito Luisa Cifarelli Abstract