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EEE Project General Meeting 2023

The general meeting of the Extreme Energy Events Project– Science in Schools  has just ended at the INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro dell’INFN.

Hundred students and teachers from schools across Italy participated in the event in person, together with EEE researchers, and many others followed remotely.

During the three days, from 27 to 29 November, some seminars were held on the activities of the EEE project and PolarquEEEst ("spin off" of EEE for the measurement of cosmic rays near the North Pole) and on some researches that are carried out at the Legnaro Laboratories, such as nuclear astrophysics and the production of radionuclides for medicine.

The students had the opportunity to visit the experimental areas of the laboratories and discover the activities taking place inside them. The central event of the meeting was a masterclass in which the students measured the Legnaro EEE telescope efficiency, starting form data aqusiition to analysis and report of the results. The students of the EEE project, in fact, actively participate in the study of the performance of the detectors with the new low environmental impact mixture that the EEE collaboration has identified as part of its ecological transition.

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