EEE Project: International Cosmic Day 2023


On November 21, 2023, the EEE Project participates in the International Cosmic Day organized by DESY. As always, the ICD represents an event that allows us to deepen the study of cosmic rays and to exchange our experience with that of students from all over the world. Also this year students, professors and researchers are coming together to study cosmic rays.
For this edition of the ICD the EEE Project has prepared an online meeting during which students will be able to present the results of their analyses. On this page you will find the preliminary agenda.

In particular we propose an analysis to study the coincidences between the POLAR detectors installed in Ny Alesund (Svalbard).


The data to be analyzed and the details for the analysis are provided below.

By November 10, the EEE Project Schools that intend to participate can send the results of their studies to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in the form of a presentation (.ppt or .pdf) and at the same time a summary of their analysis on a single page according to the template that you find here (it is not mandatory to be used and can be changed, the important thing is that the report fits on A4).
This year too, the best presentation will be rewarded with a Cosmic Box!!!



Ore 10:00 Welcome to the Schools

Ore 10:10 Seminar: L’universo che l’occhio non vede: Acceleratori cosmici di alta energia (Prof. P. Blasi)

Ore 11:00 Reports from the Schools

  1. Liceo Scacchi - Bari
  2. Liceo Banzi Bazoli - Lecce
  3. Liceo Galvani - Bologna
  4. Liceo Da Procida - Salerno
  5. Liceo Scorza - Cosenza

Ore 11:50 Conclusions 

Connection Instructions:

Link zoom:



Proposed analysis, data and instructions

This year we are going to analyse the data collected by iPOLA-01 POLA-03 POLA-04 detectors at Ny Alesund (Svalbard).The data files contain the coincidences between POLA-01 and POLA-04 and POLA-04 e POLA-03. We will estimate the number of coincidences per day and also the variation of this number with the distance between the detectors distances.

The data

The data are in .csv format and you can use Excel or similar (our instructions are based on Excel).

- Download the data: .zip folder containing four .csv files, one relating to the coincidences between POLA-01 and POLA-04 and three relating to the coincidences between POLA-03 and POLA-04; NB: for easier data management with Excel, the coincidences between POLA-03 and POLA-04 have been divided into 3 .csv files and the information from the three files must therefore be merged for analysis (see instructions).

NB: Correct POLA-01 POLA-04 coincidence file

- Use the instructions (dowload instructions in italian) as starting point for the anlysis.

-Send theil report as .ppt file (max 3 MB) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. together with the one page summary (template max 2 MB).

For further info contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Good luck!!!